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ø 4.7 at 47 votes
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Alvin Lee & George Harrison

The Bluest Blues

  • Blues
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song from
  • 2010
  • 1967
  • 2002
  • 1969
  • 2000

Alvin Lee (born Graham Barnes, 19 December 1944, Nottingham, England) is an English rock guitarist and singer. He began playing guitar at the age of thirteen, and with Leo Lyons formed the core of the band Ten Years After in 1960. Originally influenced by his parent’s collection of jazz and blues records, it was the advent of rock and roll that truly sparked his interest and creativity, and guitarists like Chuck Berry and Scotty Moore provided his inspiration. The Jaybirds, as Lee’s early band was called from 1962, were popular locally, and had success at Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany (since that time lead guitarist Lee also took lead vocals), following The Beatles there the same year. But it was not until the band moved to London in 1966 and changed its name, first to Jaybird,... Read on...

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Most votes come from United States, France, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, Reserved, and European Union.


Popular in Other (See Charts): Losing My Religion, Snow ((Hey Oh)), U Can'T Touch This, Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words), King George, In The Meantime, The Other Half (Of Me), Some Enchanted Evening, Amassakoul, and Sex And Candy.


Chris Saunders wrote on November, 7th 2021 at 12:39am:
What an absolutely emotive track and great guitar playing. Love it to bits!

Bill Long wrote on June, 20th 2016 at 6:16am:
Great tune!

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