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The Silent Enigma

Doom Metal
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  • Alternative
song from
  • 1995
  • 1998
  • 1996
  • 1999
  • 1990

The Silent Enigma is an album by the British rock band Anathema. It was released on October 23, 1995 through Peaceville Records. The Silent Enigma is a turning point in Anathema’s career; from 1996’s Eternity on they would gradually progress into a softer style of rock. A remastered version of The Silent Enigma was released on 2003 by Peaceville Records. This 2 disc features the band’s classic 1995 album, ‘The Silent Enigma’, fully re-mastered on CD alongside a DVD featuring a live performance from Krakow, Poland in March 1996. The Silent Enigma was originally released in the summer of ‘95 and is the first release on which guitarist Vincent Cavanagh took over the vocal duties of recently departed Darren White. Where Darren’s vocals were guttural Vincent’s style pushed... Read on...

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Most votes come from Spain, Kazakhstan, and Romania.


More songs by Anathema (See Charts): Everwake, Closer, Temporary Peace, One Last Goodbye, Forgotten Hopes, Fragile Dreams, Parisienne Moonlight, Lost Control, Angelica, and Flying.

Popular in Doom Metal (See Charts): Angelica, and Hallways Of Enchanted Ebony.


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