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Bad Religion


  • Punk
  • Rock
  • Space
  • Alternative
  • Pop
song from
  • 1992
  • 2002
  • 1995
  • 2004
  • 1990

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Generator is the sixth studio album by the punk rock band Bad Religion. Although the album was completed in the spring of 1991, it was not released until 1992. It was also the band’s first release with drummer Bobby Schayer, who replaced Pete Finestone during the Against the Grain tour. Today, Generator has been remembered as one of the best albums to emerge from the early 90s punk scene, and one of the most enduring works of Bad Religion’s career. The album was originally planned for release sometime around mid to late 1991, but was delayed until March 1992 as to not compete with then-current album Against the Grain. Like Bad Religion’s first four albums (minus Into the Unknown), Epitaph Records released a remastered version of Generator on April 6, 2004, with two exclusive tracks... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ It's the generator

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Most votes come from Argentina, and United States.


More songs by Bad Religion (See Charts): A Walk, Stealth, Change Of Ideas, Only Entertainment, World War Iii, 21st Century (Digital Boy), and Infected.

Popular in Punk (See Charts): Going Underground, Peaches, Hanging Around, Nice & Sleazy, White Riot, Pretty Fly, This Is England, Blitzkrieg Bop, Killing Moon, and I Wanna Be Sedated.


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