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Dizzee Rascal

Dance Wiv Me

  • Dance
  • Pop
  • Space
  • House
  • Other
song from
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2000
  • 2012
  • 2001

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“Dance wiv Me” is a single by English rapper Dizzee Rascal, from his fourth studio album Tongue n’ Cheek. It was released on 30 June 2008 and features guest vocals from Scottish DJ Calvin Harris and English R&B singer Chrome. The extended mix of the song also appears on Harris’s second album, Ready for the Weekend. “Dance wiv Me” mixes Rascal’s usual grime style with dance music from Harris and R&B from Chrome. Rascal and Harris recorded their parts separately, sending their parts back and forth over the phone, while Chrome recorded his vocals in the studio with Rascal. The song debuted in the UK at #1 and stayed there for four weeks - making it Rascal’s ever first number one. It became the 12th-biggest selling single in the UK in 2008. Rascal, Chrome and Harris performed... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Come and dance wiv me ... So let's party B ... That's why I'm asking B

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More songs by Dizzee Rascal (See Charts): Flex, and Jus' A Rascal.

Popular in Dance (See Charts): Morphine, Jam, Blood On The Dance Floor, Ghosts, Is It Scary, This Time Around, Be My Lover, Cinderella Stay Awhile, Scream Louder, and Blame It On The Boogie.


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