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ø 4.9 at 18 votes
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Jeff Buckley

Last Goodbye

  • Rock
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  • Other
song from
  • 1995
  • 1994
  • 1997
  • 1990
  • 2008

Alternative video Spotify
“Last Goodbye” is the third track on Grace by the singer-songwriter Jeff Buckley. It is also his second video. This song was originally titled “Unforgiven”; as stated on his official website by his mother, Buckley went through a metamorphosis with many of his songs, and it is evident when one hears early versions of “Unforgiven”, one of which can be heard on Live at Sin-é (Legacy Edition), and the final version of the song heard on Grace. His most commercially successful song, it earned Buckley a belated alternative hit in early 1995, peaking at #19 on the U.S. Billboard Modern Rock Tracks. On January 12, 2005 the famed Washington, D.C./Baltimore, MD alternative radio station WHFS played “Last Goodbye” as their final track before going under new management as a modern... Read on...

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More songs by Jeff Buckley (See Charts): Mojo Pin, Lilac Wine, Dream Brother, Lover You Should Of Come Over, Nightmares By The Sea, Forget Her, Grace, Eternal Life, and Hallelujah.


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