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Lead Belly

Hitler Song

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  • 1965
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  • 2000
  • 1944

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Huddie William Ledbetter (January 20, 1888 – December 6, 1949) was an American folk and blues musician, and multi-instrumentalist, notable for his strong vocals, his virtuosity on the twelve-string guitar, and the songbook of folk standards he introduced. He is best known as Lead Belly. Though many releases list him as “Leadbelly,“ he spelled it “Lead Belly.“ This is also the usage on his tombstone, as well as of the Lead Belly Foundation. In 1994 the Lead Belly Foundation contacted an authority on the history of popular music, Colin Larkin, editor of the Encyclopedia of Popular Music, to ask if the name “Leadbelly” could be altered to “Lead Belly” in the hope that other authors would follow suit and use the artist’s correct appellation. Although, Lead Belly... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ We're gonna bring him to the ground ... We're gonna tear Hitler down ... We're gonna bring him to the ground someday

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More songs by Lead Belly (See Charts): Goodnight Irene, In The Pines, Pick A Bale Of Cotton, Rock Island Line, and Take A Whiff On Me.

Popular in Blues (See Charts): The Voice, A Million Miles Away, Piece Of My Heart, Wedding Bell Blues (Will You Marry Me Bill), Innocent When You Dream, The Thrill Is Gone, Wooden Heart, Blues In The Night (My Mama Done Tol' Me), Man Of The World, and Learnin' The Blues.


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