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song from
  • 1982
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  • 1983
  • 1985
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“Everybody” is song by American singer-songwriter Madonna from her self-titled debut album. It was released on October 6, 1982 by Sire Records as her debut single. Madonna had recorded a demo of the song with Steve Bray. She urged DJ Mark Kamins, who played at her dance club, to play it. He was impressed by the song and took her to Sire Records, who signed her for a two song deal. However, after the recording of the two singles were over, Sire executive Michael Rosenblatt was not impressed with the production of the other song and decided to release only “Everybody”. Musically incorporating R&B infused beats, the song portrayed the image of Madonna as a black artist, since her picture did not appear on the single cover. However this misconception was cleared later when Madonna... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Let the music take control ... Find a groove and let yourself go ... You know what I'm trying to say

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More songs by Madonna (See Charts): This Used To Be My Playground, Drowned World, Justify My Love, I'Ll Remember, You Must Love Me, Don'T Tell Me, Papa Don'T Preach, Borderline, How High, and Give It 2 Me.

Popular in Dance (See Charts): Morphine, Jam, Blood On The Dance Floor, Ghosts, Is It Scary, This Time Around, Be My Lover, Cinderella Stay Awhile, Scream Louder, and Blame It On The Boogie.


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