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How High

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The following is a list of songs recorded by Madonna not released commercially. Some songs have been given to other recording artists for recording. Conditions for listing here * Studio quality recording by Madonna. * Not commercially or promotionally released by a reputable label. * Documented demo versions of songs not released in any form. * Early demo versions of released songs where there is a substantial difference to the released versions (such as completely different melody). This might normally involve early versions with different writers/producers than the released version. * Officially commissioned and Madonna-related professional remix not chosen for release. Not included in this listing * Early demo versions or working versions of songs ultimately released where... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ How high are the stakes ... How much fortune can you make ... Should I carry on

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More songs by Madonna (See Charts): This Used To Be My Playground, Don'T Tell Me, Drowned World, You Must Love Me, Justify My Love, I'Ll Remember, Devil Wouldn'T Recognize You, Papa Don'T Preach, Everybody, and Burning Up.

Popular in Dance (See Charts): Morphine, Jam, Blood On The Dance Floor, Ghosts, Is It Scary, This Time Around, Be My Lover, Cinderella Stay Awhile, Scream Louder, and Blame It On The Boogie.


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