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Over And Over

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  • 2012
  • 1983
  • 1985
  • 1984
  • 1990

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Like a Virgin is the second studio album by American singer-songwriter Madonna, released on November 12, 1984 by Sire Records. It was re-released worldwide in 1985, with the inclusion of the bonus track “Into the Groove”. In 2001, Warner Bros. released a remastered version with two bonus remix tracks. After the release of her self-titled debut album, Madonna wanted to solidify her future in the music business, by building on the success of the first album. However, she decided to become one of the record producers, feeling the need to control the various aspects of her music. Nile Rodgers was chosen as the primary producer of the album, due to his work with David Bowie. The album was recorded at Power Station Studio in New York at a quick pace. Rodgers enlisted the help of his... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ I get up again, over and over ... Intermediate ... I gotta do it now I can't be late

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More songs by Madonna (See Charts): This Used To Be My Playground, Give It 2 Me, I'Ll Remember, Drowned World, Justify My Love, Don'T Tell Me, Papa Don'T Preach, You Must Love Me, Everybody, and Burning Up.

Popular in Dance (See Charts): Morphine, Jam, Blood On The Dance Floor, Ghosts, Is It Scary, This Time Around, Be My Lover, Cinderella Stay Awhile, Scream Louder, and Blame It On The Boogie.


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