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Mc Solaar

Solaar Pleure

  • Rap
  • Space
  • Hip-Hop
  • Pop
  • Rock
song from
  • 2001
  • 1969
  • 1997
  • 2000
  • 2002

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“Solaar Pleure” (Solaar Weeps) is the second song on the 2001 album Cinquième As by the french Hip hop artist MC Solaar and the first single. The song is dubbed over in English at the close of the album. The rapper relates his feelings about the current state of the world including his views on poverty and AIDS. It also provides an allegorical journey after death, going from the expectation of heaven to shock at being sent to Hell. This divides the song into two parts as the “heaven” section fades away and then the song begins again with “Non! Pourquoi moi? C’est une erreur! Garde-moi, je suis noble de cœur!“ (No! Why me? It’s a mistake! Keep me, I am noble at heart) as he is sent to hell. First release embedded with Opendisc technology. Read on...

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More songs by Mc Solaar (See Charts): Inch' Allah, and Hasta La Vista.

Popular in Rap (See Charts): In The End, Gangsta'S Paradise, Hasta La Vista, The Real Slim Shady, The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, Cleanin' Out My Closet, Sing For The Moment, Stan, Mockingbird, and Stan.


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