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ø 4.6 at 8 votes
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Ambient Music
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song from
  • 2000
  • 1999
  • 2001
  • 1995
  • 1991

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“Porcelain” is a song by electronica artist Moby, featured as the third track and released as the sixth single from his album Play. It was released on June 12, 2000 in the UK, and reached number 5 in the UK charts, Moby’s highest chart position there to date. The U.S. release was released two months later, on August 22, although the song was first featured in the 1998 film Playing by Heart. It also appeared on the soundtrack to the 2000 film The Beach. Read on...

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Most votes come from Italy, United States, Reserved, Germany, Turkey, and Czech Republic.


More songs by Moby (See Charts): Jam For The Ladies, 18, James Bond Theme (Moby'S Re-Version), Raining Again, Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?, We Are All Made Of Stars, Shot In The Back Of The Head, I Love To Move In Here, Into The Blue, and Disco Lies.


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