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Paul Van Dyk

Nothing But You

  • Trance
  • Electronic
  • Dance
  • Space
  • Other
song from
  • 2003
  • 2011
  • 1999
  • 2000
  • 2005

Alternative video Spotify
“Nothing But You” was a single released by Paul van Dyk in association with the group Hemstock & Jennings - Nothing But You is a re-work of their 2002 single “Arctic”. It also features the well known trance singer Jan Johnston, as well as Kym on vocals. The Cirrus remix of the song was featured in the soundtracks of EA Games’ and FIFA Football 2004. The song also appears in DJ Hero’‘, mixed together with Sandy Rivera’s “I Can’t Stop (David Penn Remix)“. It reached #14 in the UK Singles Chart and #6 in the U.S. Hot Dance Club Play. The vocals featured in this track are Norwegian. “Jeg har ingenting, men jeg har alt når jeg har deg” which translates to “I have nothing, but I have everything when I have you.“ Read on...

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Most votes come from Malta, and United States.


More songs by Paul Van Dyk (See Charts): Tell Me Why (The Riddle), Time Of Our Lives/connected, Another Way, and For An Angel.

Popular in Electronica (See Charts): Extreme Ways, Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?, All Through The Years, James Bond Theme (Moby'S Re-Version), Eple, Poor Leno, I Love To Move In Here, and Everybody Movin'.


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