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ø 2.8 at 26 votes
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Perry Como

Magic Moments / Catch A Falling Star

Easy Listening
  • Pop
  • Vocal
  • Musical
  • Other
  • Easy Listening
song from
  • 1952
  • 1958
  • 1959
  • 1947
  • 1955

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The Record Mirror is a former British weekly pop music newspaper. From 1955 until 1962, the Record Mirror compiled its own record chart which was used by many national newspapers. Record charts in the United Kingdom began life on 14 November 1952 when NME imitated an idea started in American Billboard magazine and began compiling a hit parade. Prior to 15 February 1969, when the British Market Research Bureau chart was established, there had been no universally accepted chart. During this time the BBC used aggregated results of charts from the Mirror and other sources to compile the Pick of the Pops chart. However, according to The Official Charts Company and Guinness’ British Hit Singles & Albums, the NME is considered the official British singles chart before 10 March 1960. After... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Catch a falling star an’ ( Catch a falling . . . ) put it in your pocket ... Never let it fade away! ( Never let it fade away ... Catch a falling star an’ put it in your pocket

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Most votes come from France, Greece, and United States.


More songs by Perry Como (See Charts): It'S Impossible, Ko-Ko-Mo (I Love You So), If, Wanted, Don'T Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes, Surrender, Delaware, Till The End Of Time, Chi-Baba Chi-Baba, and Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom).

Popular in Easy Listening (See Charts): Idle Gossip, Let'S Have A Ding Dong Medley, Wild Sea, Love Is Blue, Swedish Rhapsody, Where The Winds Blow, (I Believe) There'S Nothing Stronger Than Our Love, Quiet Village, Ebb Tide, and Welcome Home.


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