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ø 3.8 at 66 votes
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Pink Floyd


Folk Rock
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  • Progressive Rock
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song from
  • 1980
  • 1976
  • 1973
  • 1967
  • 1975

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“If” is a song by Pink Floyd on their album Atom Heart Mother. Written and sung by Roger Waters, it is about self-analysis. Like Grantchester Meadows before it, “If” carries on a pastoral and folky approach, but instead deals with Introspection and self-deprecation. The song was only performed live once by the band, at a John Peel session, in July 16, 1970, at BBC’s Paris Theatre, London. Unusually during that performance, Rick Wright plays both organ and bass. However, Waters did perform it numerous times on his solo tours, mainly during the 1984/1985 ‘Pros and Cons’ tour, and in support of Radio K.A.O.S. in 1987. Read on...

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Most votes come from Spain, France, United States, Ukraine, Turkey, Portugal, and Argentina.


More songs by Pink Floyd (See Charts): Crumbling Land, It Would Be So Nice, Paint Box, Louder Than Words, Allons-Y, Cymbaline, Apples And Oranges, In The Flesh, Bike, and Heart Beat, Pig Meat.

Popular in Folk Rock (See Charts): Like A Rolling Stone, The Sound Of Silence, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Tambourine Man, Here Comes The Sun, Hurricane, Going To California, Mr. Tambourine Man, and Teach Your Children.


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