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ø 4.3 at 410 votes
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Don'T Stop Me Now

Neo-Progressive Rock
  • Rock
  • Jazz
  • Space
  • Game
  • Pop
song from
  • 2012
  • 1979
  • 2011
  • 1978
  • 1991

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“Don’t Stop Me Now” is a 1979 hit single by Queen, from their 1978 album Jazz. Words and music were by Freddie Mercury. It was recorded in August/September 1978 in Nice, France. Musically, the song is based around Mercury’s piano playing, with John Deacon and Roger Taylor providing a bass guitar and drums backing track. On the studio version, Brian May’s only guitar playing is in his guitar solo, however on live versions performed on the band’s 1978 and 1979 tours, May would also play rhythm guitar throughout the rest of the song to add a rockier feeling to it. The song also provides an example of Queen’s trademark style of multitrack harmony vocals for the chorus lines. Several recordings were laid over each other to achieve the final sound. The lyrics have cosmic... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Im burning through the sky yeah ... Im travling at the speed of light ... That's why they call me mister fahrenheit

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Most votes come from United States, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Argentina, Portugal, Austria, and Colombia.


More songs by Queen (See Charts): I’m Going Slightly Mad, Cool Cat, Was It All Worth It, Back Chat, Some Day One Day, Dragon Attack, Play The Game, Fun It, Wants To Live Forever, and Now I'M Here.

Popular in Neo-Progressive Rock (See Charts): Owner Of A Lonely Heart.


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