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ø 3.5 at 267 votes
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Neoprog Rock
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song from
  • 1973
  • 1978
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  • 1979
  • 1982

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“Mustapha” is a song written by Freddie Mercury and recorded by English rock band Queen. It is the first track of their 1978 album Jazz. “Mustapha” was released as a single in Germany, Spain, Yugoslavia and Bolivia in 1979. In live performances, Mercury would often sing the opening vocals of “Mustapha” in place of the complex introduction to “Bohemian Rhapsody”, going from “Allah will pray for you” to “Mama, I just killed a man...“. However, sometimes the band performed an almost full version of the song from the Crazy Tour in late 1979 to The Game Tour in 1980, with Mercury at the piano. They dropped the second verse and went from the first chorus to the third. Also notable is that the song was often requested by the audience, as can be heard on Live Killers. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Mustapha Mustapha ... Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you ... Mustapha

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Most votes come from Spain, Portugal, Germany, United States, India, Greece, United Kingdom, Austria, Turkey, and Mexico.


More songs by Queen (See Charts): I’m Going Slightly Mad, Cool Cat, Was It All Worth It, Back Chat, Some Day One Day, Dragon Attack, Play The Game, Fun It, The Wedding March, and Wants To Live Forever.


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