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Rick Astley

Never Gonna Give You Up

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song from
  • 1987
  • 1988
  • 2010
  • 2008
  • 1989

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“Never Gonna Give You Up” is a song written and produced by Stock, Aitken & Waterman and sung by English singer Rick Astley. The song was released as the first single from Astley’s multi-million selling debut album, Whenever You Need Somebody. The song was a worldwide number-one hit, initially in the singer’s native United Kingdom in 1987, where it stayed at number one for five weeks and was the best-selling single of that year. It eventually topped the charts in 25 countries, including the US and Germany. The song won Best British Single at the 1988 Brit Awards. The music video for the song has become the basis for the “Rickrolling” Internet meme. In 2008, Rick Astley won the MTV EMA awards for “Best Act Ever” with the song “Never Gonna Give You Up”, as a result of... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it ... We've known each other for so long ... Inside we both know what's been going on

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Most votes come from United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, India, Australia, Sweden, Portugal, and France.


More songs by Rick Astley (See Charts): Cry For Help, Whenever You Need Somebody, and Together Forever.

Popular in Pop (See Charts): Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Man In The Mirror, The Earth Song, Dirty Diana, Speechless, Stranger In Moscow, Another Part Of Me, Heal The World, and Black Or White.


Anonymous wrote on May, 10th 2008 at 6:29am:
Never going to run around

candlejack wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 7:40pm:
i love this song you own ric

lulz wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 6:56pm:
Mudkipz likez... Firebats r tazty

Jesus H. Christ wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 5:43pm:
many internets to you Rick Astley

lulz wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 4:54pm:
I liek dis song.
No, srsly.

... Srsly.

David Davidson wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 3:56pm:

Hi wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 3:51pm:
I'm from the internet!

duckroll wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 3:20pm:
Rick shall never triumph!

Chris Hansen wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 3:05pm:
Take a seat over here

Mudkips wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 3:04pm:
So I haerd you leik Rick?

mut w teesnacks wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 2:37pm:
i approve of this song

Hitchcock wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 2:33pm:
oh hi

Richard C. Mongler wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 2:30pm:

Dick roll wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 2:28pm:

Tacgnol wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 2:27pm:

Rick Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 2:18pm:

Anonymous wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 2:01pm:
never gonna say goodbye

LOOOOOOOOOONG CAT wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:59pm:

yesitisme wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:56pm:
rickroll...I lost the game, oh man, did i ever lose the game

Jonny Wad wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:54pm:
Call me Rick....wut?

Troll McClure wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:49pm:
Go go go!

slowkip wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:45pm:
Voted for the lulz

Pedrobear wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:45pm:
*Pant pant pant*

Where is deh loli?

Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:44pm:

Anon9001 wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:44pm:

mranon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:43pm:
thank paul fetch for rick astley

David wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:42pm:
Lol wut perfect 5

David wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:30pm:
Posting in best song evar

longcat wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:27pm:
mudkips i heard u like rick

Suomynona wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:27pm:
never gonna let you down

halo wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:25pm:
I think rickroll is a pretty cool guy. eh snigs with a deep voice and doesn't afraid of anything.

Gerrard wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:22pm:

tacgnol wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:20pm:
We did it for the lulz.

The lulz.
We did it for them.

1231 wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:20pm:
xXxRoCkZ mY SoXxXx

Mud wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:19pm:

efg wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:17pm:
I VOTED 5/0!

Spidey wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:17pm:
How do I voted Rick?

EFG wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:17pm:
hay guise

anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:16pm:
rolled u r rick

Desukipz wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:16pm:
This is the best song in the world 5/5!

Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:15pm:
posting in epic win

Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:09pm:
I love this song. It is the Bach of Pop music

lol wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:08pm:
ebaum = /b/

anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:07pm:

anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:07pm:
Its not a Rick Roll if you expect it.


ANON wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:06pm:

Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:05pm:
Moar Rick.
That's one helluva suit.

anonymous wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:03pm:

David wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:01pm:

anonymous wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 1:01pm:

Sharon1989 wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:55pm:
I love you, Rick.

anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:54pm:
Cmon, moar ppl vote!

Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:48pm:
An awesome song. The world needs moar Rick

Jonny wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:46pm:
Mwuhaha, the world shall be Rickrolled. I mean... This song is the best.

Anonymous wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:46pm:
I lurf Rikkeehhh

He rolls my world

anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:44pm:

anonymous wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:42pm:
Hes a mans man!

Rule 41 wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:42pm:
It need moar Rick Ashley.
No exceptions.


anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:42pm:
oh god I love eBaums.

Captain Mudkip wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:42pm:
internet haet machine

mudkips wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:39pm:
i herd you like em'

anonymous wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:37pm:
epic song is epic

Anonymous wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:36pm:
Rickroll the world

Dick Dickington wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:36pm:
I fucking love Rick Astley, so do the kids

anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:33pm:
its getting there

anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:33pm:
best song evar

Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:31pm:
whats he never gonna do?

Anonymous wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:31pm:
Get this to number 1 and rickroll the world!

gina wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:26pm:
can someone get e a towel...i just wet myself so badly its all over the floor

Robert Paulson wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:25pm:
I fuckin' love Rick Astley!

I voted 1 wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:13pm:
My Bad.

black man wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:12pm:
@Major Astley Fan

Chrono Trigger came out in 1995 noob.

EFG wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:07pm:
Never gonna give you in, never gonna leave you out..

Major Astley Fan wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 12:01pm:
This song ruled before the rickroll phenomenon, which actually started with the release of Chrono Trigger in 1996, HABEEB IT

David wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 11:58am:
this song is my favorite!

Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 11:56am:
no other song could ever compare

Anon wrote on April, 20th 2008 at 11:51am:
I love this song! ^_^

rick wrote on April, 8th 2008 at 8:12pm:
lol, unbeatable!

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