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ø 4.5 at 10 votes
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Safri Duo


  • Club
  • Dance
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Tribal
song from
  • 2001
  • 2000
  • 2002
  • 2010
  • 1984

Alternative video Spotify
“Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song)“ is a song performed by Danish percussion duo Safri Duo. It was released as the lead single from their first mainstream studio album Episode II in 2000. The Michael Parsberg-produced song, which fused tribal drums and trance music, sold 1.5 million copies worldwide and became the fourth fastest selling single ever in Europe. The single peaked at number one in Denmark and Switzerland, and at number two in Germany and Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia). It reached #6 in the UK Singles Chart and #7 on Billboards Hot Dance Club Songs in the US. “Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song)“ song was awarded “Danish Club Hit of the Year” at the 2001 Danish Music Awards. Read on...

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Most votes come from Germany, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegowina, and Portugal.


Popular in House (See Charts): Sinnerman (Felix Da Housecat'S Heavenly), Me Against The Music, One More Time, Lady (Hear Me Tonight), Around The World, Stereo Love, Prayer In C, Sloth, Raining Again (Steve Angello Remix), and Sexy Bitch.


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