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Sgt. Barry Sadler

The Ballad Of The Green Berets

  • Ballad
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song from
  • 1966
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 1960
  • 1964

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“The Ballad Of The Green Berets” is a patriotic song in the ballad style about the Green Berets, an elite special force in the U.S. Army. It is one of the very few songs of the 1960s to cast the military in a positive light, yet it became a major hit, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard charts for five weeks in 1966. It was also a crossover smash, reaching No. 1 on Billboard’s Easy Listening chart and No. 2 on Billboard’s Country survey. The song was written by Robin Moore and Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler, while the latter was recuperating from a leg wound suffered as a medic in the Vietnam War. Moore also wrote a non-fiction book, The Green Berets, about the force. Lyrics include: “Back at home a young wife waits/ Her Green Beret has met his fate/ He has died for those... Read on...

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Popular in Ballad (See Charts): The Scientist, The Ballad Of Jayne, Don'T Close Your Eyes, Voice In The Wilderness, Beth, The Ballad Of John And Yoko, Love, This I Promise You, Mono I Agapi, and Up Where We Belong.


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