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ø 4.4 at 15 votes
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Blue Collar Man

Classic Rock
  • Rock
  • Space
  • Pop
  • Blues
  • Progressive Rock
song from
  • 1978
  • 2012
  • 1995
  • 1981
  • 1975

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“Blue Collar Man (Long Nights)“ is the first single that Styx released from the Pieces of Eight album. The single was released in two 7” vinyl formats, one with the b-side “Superstars”, a track from The Grand Illusion, and a second single with the instrumental album track “Aku-Aku” as the b-side. Some printings of the single were also issued in a translucent blue vinyl, these blue vinyl releases are now highly sought after collectors items.As read in a Circus magazine (Or the like) of the time; the song was composed by Tommy Shaw after hearing the sound of his motor boat engine when it failed to start; making the riff of the song. He said it sounded like a good riff to a song. The song reached No. 21 in the United States . It was featured on the TV show WKRP in Cincinnati... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Well I'm gonna be a blue collar man

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Most votes come from United States, Spain, and Bulgaria.


More songs by Styx (See Charts): Miss America, It Don'T Make Sense (You Can'T Make Peace), Man In The Wilderness, Witch Wolf, Midnight Ride, Show Me The Way, Best Thing, What Has Come Between Us, Lorelei, and The Grove Of Eglantine.

Popular in Classic Rock (See Charts): More Than A Feeling, Free Bird, Show Me The Way, Tie Your Mother Down, Out On The Tiles, Shooting Star, Still Got The Blues, Heat Of The Moment, Dark Star, and Do Ya.


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