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The Moody Blues

Dear Diary

  • Blues
  • Dream
  • Rock
  • Space
  • Pop
song from
  • 1969
  • 1967
  • 2012
  • 2000
  • 1940

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“Dear Diary” is a 1969 song by the progressive rock band The Moody Blues. Written by the band’s flautist Ray Thomas, “Dear Diary” was first released on the 1969 album On the Threshold of a Dream. The lyrics of “Dear Diary” basically describe a typical day in the life of a lonely man, bemoaning that the rest of the world doesn’t notice the people like him. The narrator’s only source of communication is with his diary. The song itself has a slow, ethereal sound to it, and Ray Thomas’s lead vocal track is ran through a Leslie speaker for an eerie effect. In a moment of humor typical of Thomas’s writing, the song ends with the narrator having heard a news report of the testing of an H bomb. The narrator is glad that the bomb wasn’t exploded by anyone he knew. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Write lightly, yours truly, dear diary

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More songs by The Moody Blues (See Charts): The Balance, Everyday, Higher And Higher, Eyes Of A Child, A Simple Game, Gypsy, The Dream, Gemini Dream, Here Comes The Weekend, and Night In White Satin.

Popular in Blues (See Charts): The Voice, A Million Miles Away, Piece Of My Heart, Wedding Bell Blues (Will You Marry Me Bill), Innocent When You Dream, The Thrill Is Gone, Wooden Heart, Blues In The Night (My Mama Done Tol' Me), Man Of The World, and Learnin' The Blues.


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