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Todd Rundgren

The Range War

  • Ballad
  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Other
  • Country
song from
  • 2011
  • 2009
  • 1971
  • 1968
  • 2003

A range war (taken from the term “open range”) is a type of (typically undeclared) conflict that occurs in agrarian or stockrearing societies. Typically fought over water rights or grazing rights to unfenced/unowned land, it could pit competing farmers or ranchers against each other. Formal military involvement, other than to separate warring parties, is rare. Range wars were known to occur in the American West. Famous range wars included the Lincoln County War, the Pleasant Valley War, the Mason County War and the Johnson County Range War, sometimes fought between local residents and gunmen hired by absentee landowners. Read on...

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More songs by Todd Rundgren (See Charts): Change Myself, Is It My Name?, Flamingo, Wolfman Jack, Saving Grace, The Night The Carousel Burned Down, Something To Fall Back On, Hungry For Love, Tin Soldier, and Cold Morning Light.

Popular in Ballad (See Charts): The Scientist, The Ballad Of Jayne, Don'T Close Your Eyes, Voice In The Wilderness, Beth, The Ballad Of John And Yoko, Love, This I Promise You, Mono I Agapi, and Up Where We Belong.


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