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ø 3.9 at 19 votes
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Tokio Hotel


  • Rock
  • Instrumental
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Rap
song from
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2010
  • 2001
  • 2005

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“Durch den Monsun” and “Monsoon” are songs by German rock band Tokio Hotel. The German version of the song “Durch den Monsun” was released as their debut single in 2005 from their debut album Schrei. A remix of this song was made with Japanese lyrics, and an English version named “Monsoon” was later recorded, and included in their first English album Scream and released as their first English single in 2007. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Beyond the world 'til the end of time ... Fighting the storm into the blue ... And when I lose myself I think of you

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Most votes come from United States, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Canada, Argentina, Serbia, United Kingdom, Portugal, and Germany.


More songs by Tokio Hotel (See Charts): Ready, Set, Go!, On The Edge, World Behind My Wall, 1000 Oceans, Don'T Jump, and Sacred.

Popular in Instrumental (See Charts): Entre Dos Aguas, Blackbird, Green Onions, Wonderful Land, Olan Oldu, The Fool On The Hill, Hawkeye, Michel, La Vita È Bella, and Il Silenzio.


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