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ø 4.4 at 41 votes
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2Pac feat. Talent


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  • Hip-Hop
song from
  • 1998
  • 1947
  • 1995
  • 2003
  • 2012

“Changes” is a rap song by 2Pac originally recorded during his tenure at Interscope records but, was rerecorded and remixed between 1995-96. It is one of his most notable and popular songs. Released initially on his album Greatest Hits, the song addresses issues close to 2Pac’s era of influence, notably racism, police brutality, drugs and gang violence. In addition, the song heavily samples the 1986 hit “The Way It Is” by Bruce Hornsby and the Range. The Chris Hafner-directed music video is a compilation of a number of previous music videos 2Pac released in addition to home videos and never-before-seen pictures. “Changes” was nominated for Best Rap Solo Performance at the Grammy Awards of 2000; it remains the only posthumous song to be nominated in this category. One... Read on...

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Popular in Hip-Hop (See Charts): Shut Up, Push It, Without Me, My Humps, Hey Ya!, When I'M Gone, Let'S Get It Started, Baby Got Back, Jump Around, and Red Light Special.


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