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Boten Anna

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Jonas Erik Altberg (born 22 December 1984 in Halmstad, Sweden), better known by his stage name Basshunter, is a Swedish singer-songwriter, record producer and DJ. He is best known for his number one hits “Boten Anna”, “Dota”, “Now You’re Gone” and “All I Ever Wanted”. Basshunter has so far released a total of three albums, two of which have been released in the UK, and a total of 14 singles. Recently, his latest U.K. single, “Saturday”, was released in July 2010, and he also competed in hit reality TV show Celebrity Big Brother in January 2010. His song “Sverige” was also used as Sjölunden’s International Day song in 2008. Basshunter is working on a fourth studio album to be released this year. His new song, ‘Calling Time’, was recently performed live in... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Jag känner en bott, hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon ... Hon röjer upp i våran kanal ... Jag vill berätta för dig att jag känner en bott

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Most votes come from Belgium, and Germany.


More songs by Basshunter (See Charts): Angel In The Night, Basshunter, Now You'Re Gone, and Dota.

Popular in Techno (See Charts): Sandstorm, 3 Tage Wach, Infinity 2008, Simply Being Loved, Heater, Kernkraft 400, Around The World, Highway To Love (Love Parade 2008), Maria (I Like It Loud), and Weekend.


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