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For the Björk song, see Jóga. Joga is a Bhangra singer whose album Hardz wanted so badly and Italian Europop act produced by Nick Ferrando with Nathalie Aarts featured on vocals. Aarts had released four singles commercially in Europe: Dam Dariram, Bye Bye Baby Balloon, No Nobody’s Love, and White Christmas. Joga is claimed to be quite popular among listeners of Toshiba-EMI’s Dancemania non-stop megamix series, and among players of Bemani games. Of their three major songs, Dam Dariram and Bye Bye Baby Balloon are considered the most famous releases, with No Nobody’s Love still popular among fans, but not featured outside of Dancemania X7. White Christmas was added to the Trance X-Mas compilation (Polystar Records, 2003), and this song has to date been their last collaboration as... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ State of emergency ... How beautiful to be ... Is where I want to be

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More songs by Björk (See Charts): Bachelorette, I'Ve Seen It All, Where Is The Line, Cocoon, Hunter, Who Is It, Army Of Me, Big Time Sensuality, Pagan Poetry, and Mouth'S Cradle.

Popular in Rock (See Charts): Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Beat It, Give In To Me, Wherever You Will Go, Stigmatized, Nothing'S Changed, Hotel California, Imagine, and Nothing Else Matters.


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