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Country House

  • Country
  • House
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song from
  • 2012
  • 1995
  • 1994
  • 1996
  • 1992

Alternative video Spotify
“Country House” is a song by English alternative rock band Blur. It was released as the lead single from the band’s fourth album The Great Escape on 14 August 1995. “Country House” was the first of two Blur singles to reach number one on the UK Singles Chart (the second being 1997’s “Beetlebum”). The song is about a man who retires to an expensive country house to escape the pressures of the city. In an interview for the South Bank Show, Damon Albarn explained that it was inspired by former Blur manager Dave Balfe, who left Blur’s label Food Records and bought a house in the country. The cover art features an image of Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria (the image is horizontally flipped). The “CD 2” single is an EP titled Blur Recorded Live From Mile End Stadium,... Read on...

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Most votes come from Brazil, Portugal, Germany, and Italy.


More songs by Blur (See Charts): Out Of Time, Beetlebum, Parklife, Sing, Tender, Coffee & Tv, Girls & Boys, The Universal, To The End, and Song 2.

Popular in Britpop (See Charts): Wonderwall, The Drugs Don'T Work, The Universal, Girls & Boys, and To The End.


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