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Bruce Springsteen


  • Rock
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song from
  • 1975
  • 1973
  • 2003
  • 1981
  • 2015

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“Night” is a song by Bruce Springsteen which first appeared on the Born to Run album in 1975. Although this is one of the lesser known songs from Born to Run, “Night” has become somewhat of a stage favorite for the E Street Band. The song was not immediately played during the 1975 Born to Run Tour until later that year and more so in 1976 when it was used as the opening song. It was still sometimes being used as an opening song decades later during the 2007–2008 Magic Tour. The mood of the music is mostly exciting as are the lyrics which have a romantic quality as well. The music is propelled by Gary Tallent’s bass. It is similar to the album’s famous title track in that both songs deal with men and their fast cars. For the protagonist, the only freedom and joy comes... Read on...

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More songs by Bruce Springsteen (See Charts): City Of Night, Highway Patrolman, Lucky Town, How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live, From Small Things (Big Things Come), Ramrod, If I Should Fall Behind, Thundercrack, For You, and Trapped.

Popular in Rock (See Charts): Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Beat It, Give In To Me, Wherever You Will Go, Stigmatized, Nothing'S Changed, Hotel California, Imagine, and Nothing Else Matters.


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