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Coheed and Cambria

Mother Superior

  • Rock
  • Acoustic
  • Alternative
  • Soul
  • Space
song from
  • 2007
  • 1975
  • 1965
  • 2003
  • 2001

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Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow is a concept album by Coheed and Cambria, and the sequel to their previous album, . Together, these two albums will make up part four of The Amory Wars. It is also the first (and only) album to feature Taylor Hawkins on drums after the departure of Josh Eppard. Chris Pennie will be providing drums on subsequent albums. The album is often marketed by the shortened title No World for Tomorrow. Neither the disc itself nor its outer packaging suggest the Good Apollo title, though it is found printed on the cover of the accompanying lyrics booklet. Frontman Claudio Sanchez has stated that the full name of the album is in fact Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow’‘. As of January 2008,... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Your answer is in there, just stare down the barrel ... This sincerest apologies won't write you out of this one ... Tonight, you'll find the right in the pull of the trigger

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More songs by Coheed And Cambria (See Charts): The Willing Well Ii: Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness, Everything Evil, Apollo I : The Writing Writer, The Camper Velourium Iii: Al The Killer, In Keeping Secrets, Welcome Home, A Favor House Atlantic, and Ten Speeds (Of God'S Blood And Burial).

Popular in Other (See Charts): Losing My Religion, Snow ((Hey Oh)), U Can'T Touch This, The Bluest Blues, Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words), King George, In The Meantime, The Other Half (Of Me), Some Enchanted Evening, and Amassakoul.


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