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Die Ärzte

Manchmal Haben Frauen...

Punk Rock
  • Rock
  • Punk
  • Space
  • Alternative
  • Pop
song from
  • 2000
  • 2012
  • 2001
  • 1995
  • 1989

Alternative video Spotify
“Manchmal haben Frauen...“ (“Sometimes women have...“) is a song by Die Ärzte. It is the eleventh track and the second single from their 2000 album Runter mit den Spendierhosen, Unsichtbarer!. It is about a man who meets a drunken man in a bar who tells him something that’s unbelievable for him - sometimes women like a little spanking. The man rushes home and asks his girlfriend about this. The woman starts to beat the man stating that guys like him always deserve some beating. Read on...

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More songs by Die Ärzte (See Charts): Zu Spät, Junge, Männer Sind Schweine, and Unrockbar.

Popular in Punk Rock (See Charts): London Calling, Basket Case, Anarchy In The Uk, Jesus Of Suburbia, American Idiot, Man Overboard, Rock 'N' Roll High School, The Decline, Touchdown Boy, and Roots Radicals.


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