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Die Ärzte

Männer Sind Schweine

  • Pop
  • Punk
  • Rock
  • Space
  • Other
song from
  • 1998
  • 1982
  • 1984
  • 2000
  • 2012

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“Männer sind Schweine” (“Men are pigs”) is a Pop song by Die Ärzte. It’s the thirteenth track and the first single from their 1998 album 13. The choice of the title “Ein Schwein namens Männer” (“A pig called men”), that does not fit the actual title of the song, is most likely a reference to the 1995 film Babe, whose German name is “Ein Schweinchen namens Babe”, and their former single Ein Song namens Schunder. The tongue-in-cheek lyrics are based on the cliché of men always wanting sex, warning girls not to fall for their false promises of true love. Read on...

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Most votes come from Germany, and United States.


More songs by Die Ärzte (See Charts): Zu Spät, Manchmal Haben Frauen..., Junge, and Unrockbar.

Popular in Pop (See Charts): Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Man In The Mirror, The Earth Song, Dirty Diana, Speechless, Stranger In Moscow, Another Part Of Me, Heal The World, and Black Or White.


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