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Dorival Caymmi

Samba Da Minha Terra

  • Samba
  • Rock
  • Latin
  • Musical
  • Classical
  • Bossa Nova
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  • 2014
  • 2000
  • 1996
  • 2013
  • 2012

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Dorival Caymmi (April 30, 1914 – August 16, 2008) was a Brazilian singer, songwriter, actor, and painter active for more than 70 years beginning in 1933. He contributed to the birth of Brazil’s bossa nova movement, and several of his samba pieces, such as “Samba da Minha Terra”, “Doralice” and “Saudade da Bahia”, have become staples of Música popular brasileira. Throughout his career, his music about the people and culture of Bahia influenced Brazil’s image in the eyes of both Brazilians and foreigners. Caymmi was married to Brazilian singer Stella Maris for 68 years, and the couple’s children, Dori Caymmi, Danilo Caymmi, and Nana Caymmi, are also prominent musicians. Each debuted professionally by accompanying their father onstage and in... Read on...

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