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Vinicius de Moraes

Garota De Ipanema

  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Samba
  • Latin
  • Soundtrack
song from
  • 1965
  • 1962
  • 2012
  • 1964
  • 2008

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“The Girl from Ipanema” (“Garota de Ipanema”) is a well-known bossa nova song, a worldwide hit in the mid-1960s that won a Grammy for Record of the Year in 1965. It was written in 1962, with music by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Portuguese lyrics by Vinicius de Moraes. English lyrics were written later by Norman Gimbel. The first commercial recording was in 1962, by Pery Ribeiro. The version performed by Astrud Gilberto, along with João Gilberto and Stan Getz, from the 1964 album Getz/Gilberto, became an international hit, reaching number five in the United States pop chart, number 29 in the United Kingdom, and charting highly throughout the world. Numerous recordings have been used in films, sometimes as an elevator music cliché (for example, near the end of The Blues Brothers).... Read on...

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Most votes come from Austria, Brazil, and United States.


More songs by Vinicius De Moraes (See Charts): Samba Em Prelúdio.

Popular in Samba (See Charts): Samba Pa Ti, Samba Em Prelúdio, Garota De Ipanema, Samba De Janeiro, Jive Samba, Samba Da Minha Terra, Modinha, and De Janeiro.


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