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Eddy Mitchell

Le Cimetière Des éléphants (Version Los Angeles)

  • Opera
  • Rock'N'Roll
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  • Ballads
  • French Songs
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  • 1965
  • 2009

Claude Moine (born July 3, 1942 Paris), better known by his stage name Eddy Mitchell, is a French singer and actor. He began his career in the late 1950s, with the group (The Black Socks), taking his name from the American expatriate tough-guy actor Eddie Constantine (later the star of Jean-Luc Godard’s Alphaville). The band performed at the Parisian nightclub Golf-Drouot before signing to Barclay Records and finding almost instant success; in 1961 it sold two million records. Heavily influenced by American rock & roll, Mitchell (who went solo in 1963) has often recorded outside France, at first in London, but later in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee. Guitarist Big Jim Sullivan, Jimmy Page and drummer Bobby Graham were among the British session musicians who regularly supported him... Read on...

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More songs by Eddy Mitchell (See Charts): Si Tu Penses (Little Town Flirt), Je Ne Sais Faire Que L'Amour, Le Coup De Foudre, Sur La Route De Menphis, Lèche Botte Blues, Et Maintenant, Ma Maîtresse D'école, Couleur Menthe à L'Eau, Cash, and Nashville Ou Belleville.

Popular in Opera (See Charts): Nessun Dorma, The Prophet'S Song, Time To Say Goodbye, Vincero, I'M In Love With My Car, Fais Ce Que Je Dis (Pas Ce Que Je Fais), Opinião, Sunny Side Of Heaven, Death On Two Legs, and Uns Versos.


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