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Luciano Pavarotti

Nessun Dorma

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  • 1972
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Aretha Louise Franklin (born March 25, 1942) is an American singer, songwriter and pianist commonly referred to as The Queen of Soul. Although renowned for her soul recordings, Franklin is also adept at jazz, blues, R&B and gospel music. Rolling Stone magazine ranked Franklin No. 1 on its list of The Greatest Singers of All Time. Aretha is one of the most honored artists by the Grammy Awards, with 18 competitive Grammys to date, and two honorary Grammys. She has scored a total of 20 No. 1 singles on the Billboard R&B Singles Chart, one of which also became her first No. 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100: “Respect” (1967). “I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)“ (1987), a duet with George Michael, became her second No. 1 on the latter chart. Since 1961, Franklin has scored a total of 45... Read on...

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More songs by Luciano Pavarotti (See Charts): E Lucevan Le Stelle, and Vincero.

Popular in Opera (See Charts): The Prophet'S Song, Time To Say Goodbye, Vincero, I'M In Love With My Car, Fais Ce Que Je Dis (Pas Ce Que Je Fais), Opinião, Sunny Side Of Heaven, Death On Two Legs, Uns Versos, and Caminhoneiro.


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