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The Slim Shady EP is the first EP by American rapper Eminem, released in 1997 on the Detroit-based record label Web Entertainment. The Slim Shady EP was released on cassette, vinyl, and CD. Eminem sold roughly 250 copies of this EP independently, according to an interview he did on Zane Lowe. The album debuted at number #27 on the UK albums chart in 1997. Eminem first introduced his “Slim Shady” persona on this EP, and his lyrics are a marked departure from those found on Infinite, featuring constant references to drug use, sexual acts, mental instability, and over-the-top violence. Another departure was his exploration of more serious themes of dealing with poverty, his direct and self-deprecating response to criticism, and of marital and family difficulties. His flow is also... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ I just don't give a fuuuuuck

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More songs by Eminem (See Charts): River (Feat. Ed Sheeran), Rap God, Lounge, Paul (Skit), Steve Berman, We Made You, Cleaning Out My Closet, My Name Is..., Public Announcement, and Soap.

Popular in Rap (See Charts): In The End, Gangsta'S Paradise, Hasta La Vista, The Real Slim Shady, The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, Cleanin' Out My Closet, Sing For The Moment, Stan, Mockingbird, and Stan.


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