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Energy 52

Café Del Mar

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  • Pop
  • Musical
  • Trance
song from
  • 1993
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2003
  • 1994

“Café del Mar” is a song first released in 1993 by the trance project Energy 52. It is named after the famous bar located in Ibiza, Islas Baleares, Spain. Almost instantly recognisable by its distinct melody, its popularity is reflected in the countless remixes that have since been created as well as its being featured on hundreds of CD compilations. The main melody of ‘Café del Mar’ is based on Struggle for Pleasure by Belgian composer Wim Mertens. The song has charted three times in the UK Singles Chart, all featuring remixes by Three ‘N One. It first made number 51 in March 1997, a second release (Café del Mar ‘98) featuring a Nalin & Kane remix reached number 12 in July 1998, and a further release featuring remixes by Marco V reached number 24 in October 2002. The... Read on...

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Popular in Trance (See Charts): Music, For An Angel, Adagio For Strings, Dark & Long, Dark Side Of The Moon, Xpander, Ecstasy, On The Run, Skydive, and A Walk In The Park.


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