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Einzelhaft, (Solitary Confinement or Incarcerated!), (1982) is the name of the first album by Falco. It was released in Austria, Germany, the United States, Japan, Spain, Italy, Canada, Sweden and Finland. The album achieved some success with its flagship single, “Der Kommissar”, an innovative and influential German-language rap song. An English version of the song by After the Fire was a hit in 1983. A Promo Single, “Auf der Flucht” (On the Run), was released in the USA and France. In 1983 the Maschine Brennt/On The Run CD hit #9 of US Club Play Singles. Other songs on Einzelhaft are heavily indebted to the “Berlin Trilogy” of David Bowie: “Nie mehr Schule” borrows its music from Bowie’s instrumental track from Low called “Speed of Life”, whereas “Helden von... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Lebt die einzelhaft, leb' sie

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More songs by Falco (See Charts): No Time For Revolution, Helden Von Heute, Hinter Uns Die Sintflut, Ganz Wien, Egoist, America, Coming Home - Jeanny Part Ii, Europa, Auf Der Flucht, and Falco Megamix.

Popular in Pop (See Charts): Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Man In The Mirror, The Earth Song, Dirty Diana, Speechless, Stranger In Moscow, Another Part Of Me, Heal The World, and Black Or White.


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