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George Strait


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song from
  • 2004
  • 2012
  • 2001
  • 1990
  • 1989

“Desperately” is the title of a country music song written by Bruce Robison and Monte Warden. Robison first recorded the song on his 1998 album Wrapped It was later covered by singer George Strait on his 2003 album Honkytonkville. Released in January 2004 as that album’s third and final single, it peaked at number 6 on the Billboard country charts. Its b-side, “Honk If You Honky Tonk”, peaked at number 45 based on unsolicited airplay. Read on...

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More songs by George Strait (See Charts): All My Ex'S Live In Texas, Ocean Front Property, Right Or Wrong, Amarillo By Morning, and I Cross My Heart.

Popular in Country (See Charts): I Walk The Line, Hurt, Ring Of Fire, You Are, Two Brothers, Always On My Mind, Take Me Home Country Roads, Coat Of Many Colors, Way Down, and I Cross My Heart.


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