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George Strait

Ocean Front Property

Classic Country
  • Country
  • Space
  • Other
  • Pop
  • Swing
song from
  • 1987
  • 2012
  • 1990
  • 1989
  • 1981

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“Ocean Front Property” is the title of a song recorded by American country music artist George Strait. It was released in December 1986 as the lead-off single to his 1987 album of the same name. It was a number-one hit in both the United States and Canada. On the 45 record single, “My Heart Won’t Wander Very Far From You” is the B-side. Read on...

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More songs by George Strait (See Charts): All My Ex'S Live In Texas, Right Or Wrong, Amarillo By Morning, Desperately, and I Cross My Heart.


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