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Green Day


  • Punk
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song from
  • 2000
  • 2001
  • 1995
  • 1963
  • 1997

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“Warning” is a song by American punk rock band Green Day. It is the second single and title track from their sixth album, Warning. Billie Joe Armstrong has said that the original concept was to create a song whose lyrics were made up of all signs and labels, and the idea grew from there. The song was a number three modern rock hit in the US and entered the Billboard Hot 100. The song also made it into the Top 40 of the UK Singles Chart in the UK. “Warning” bears a strong resemblance to the song “Picture Book” by The Kinks. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ I said warning, live without warning ... Warning, live without warning ... Did you remember to pay the utility

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Most votes come from Brazil, Sweden, and Germany.


More songs by Green Day (See Charts): Android, The Judge'S Daughter, Welcome To Paradise, St. Jimmy, Walking Contradiction, Whatsername, Know Your Enemy, F.o.d., Give Me Novacaine, and Working Class Hero.

Popular in Punk (See Charts): Going Underground, Peaches, Hanging Around, Nice & Sleazy, White Riot, Pretty Fly, This Is England, Blitzkrieg Bop, Killing Moon, and I Wanna Be Sedated.


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