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John Denver

Flying For Me

  • Country
  • Folk
  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Folk Rock
  • Western
song from
  • 2000
  • 2015
  • 1980
  • 1995
  • 1971

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Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr. (December 31, 1943 – October 12, 1997), known professionally as John Denver, was an American singer-songwriter, actor, activist and humanitarian, whose greatest commercial success was as a solo singer, starting in the 1970s. He was one of the most popular acoustic artists of the decade and one of its best-selling artists. By 1974, he was firmly established as America’s best-selling performer, and AllMusic has described Denver as “among the most beloved entertainers of his era”. After traveling and living in numerous locations while growing up in his military family, Denver began his music career in folk music groups in the late 1960s. Throughout his life, Denver recorded and released approximately 300 songs, about 200 of which he composed, with... Read on...

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More songs by John Denver (See Charts): Like A Sad Song, Back Home Again, Follow Me, Some Days Are Diamonds, Rhymes And Reasons, Whose Garden Was This, I Want To Live, Starwood In Aspen, Rocky Mountain High, and I'M Sorry.

Popular in Country (See Charts): I Walk The Line, Hurt, Ring Of Fire, You Are, Two Brothers, Always On My Mind, Take Me Home Country Roads, Coat Of Many Colors, Way Down, and I Cross My Heart.


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