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ø 3.3 at 64 votes
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“Lambada”, also released as “Chorando Se Foi (Lambada)“ and “Llorando se fue (Lambada)“, is a 1989 song recorded by the French pop group Kaoma with the Brazilian vocalist Loalwa Braz. It was released as the first single from Kaoma’s debut album Worldbeat. The video, filmed on Cocos beach in the city of Trancoso, in the state of Bahia, Brazil, features the Brazilian child duet Chico & Roberta. The song in Portuguese is a mix cover of Márcia Ferreira’s 1986 hit “Chorando se foi” (lyrics translated to Portuguese) and the Cuarteto Continental hit “Llorando se fue” (first upbeat version of the song introducing the accordion), released in 1984 through the Peruvian record label INFOPESA and produced by Alberto Maravi; both songs were adapted from the 1981 Bolivian song... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Que um dia nao soube cuidar ... Chorando estara ao lembrar de um amor ... Chorando se foi quem um dia so me fez chorar

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Most votes come from Austria, Germany, Romania, Czech Republic, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Colombia, and Russia.


Popular in Latin (See Charts): Lloro Por Ti, I Need To Know, You Sang To Me, Clandestino, Corazon Partio, Matador, Quimey Neuquen (Chancha Via Circuito Remix), La Tortura, La Leyenda Del Tiempo, and Maria Moita.


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