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Camarón de la Isla

La Leyenda Del Tiempo

  • Folk
  • Space
  • Pop
  • Musical
  • Blues
song from
  • 1979
  • 2000
  • 1950
  • 1992
  • 1993

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Camarón de la Isla (December 5, 1950 – July 2, 1992), was the stage name of a spanish (Gypsy) flamenco singer José Monje Cruz who is sometimes also credited as Camarón de la Isla. ]] He was born in San Fernando, Cádiz, Spain. His mother was Juana Cruz Castro, a basket weaver (“La Canastera”), whose gift of singing was a strong early influence. His father, Juan Luis Monje, was also a singer as well as a blacksmith, and had a forge where Camarón worked as a boy. His uncle José nicknamed him Camarón (Spanish for “Shrimp”) because he was blonde and fair skinned. At the age of eight he began to sing at inns and bus stops with Rancapino to earn money. At sixteen, he won first prize at the Festival del Cante Jondo in Mairena de Alcor. Camarón then went to Madrid with... Read on...

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Most votes come from Spain, and Brazil.


Popular in Latin (See Charts): Lloro Por Ti, Lambada, I Need To Know, You Sang To Me, Clandestino, Corazon Partio, Matador, Quimey Neuquen (Chancha Via Circuito Remix), La Tortura, and Maria Moita.


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