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Led Zeppelin

Boogie With Stu

  • Rock
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song from
  • 2012
  • 1978
  • 1975
  • 1973
  • 1974

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“Boogie with Stu” is a song by English rock band Led Zeppelin from their 1975 album Physical Graffiti. It was a jam recorded in 1971 at Headley Grange, where the band had done most of the recording for their fourth album. They were using the Rolling Stones Mobile Studio and were accompanied by Rolling Stones’ road manager and piano player, Ian Stewart, who ended up jamming with the band on piano. According to Led Zeppelin guitarist and producer, Jimmy Page, this song would not have emerged had it not been for the particularly informal ‘live-in’ environment at Headley Grange where it was recorded: The working title for this song was “Sloppy Drunk”, a title that vocalist Robert Plant came up with. The slapping guitar came from an overdub session with an ARP guitar synth.... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ I don't want no tutti-frutti, no lollipop ... Come on baby, just rock, rock, rock

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More songs by Led Zeppelin (See Charts): I’m Gonna Crawl, I Can'T Quit You Baby, Trampled Underfoot, Dancing Days, Royal Orleans (Reference Mix), Bonzo’s Montreux (Mix Construction In Progress), Sick Again, Celebration Day, For Your Life (Reference Mix), and Black Mountain Side.

Popular in Country (See Charts): I Walk The Line, Hurt, Ring Of Fire, You Are, Two Brothers, Always On My Mind, Take Me Home Country Roads, Coat Of Many Colors, Way Down, and I Cross My Heart.


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