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Lynyrd Skynyrd

On The Hunt

  • Rock
  • Southern Rock
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Country
  • Blues Rock
  • Hard Rock
  • Boogie Rock
  • Country Rock
  • Roots Rock
song from
  • 2012
  • 1975
  • 1977
  • 1988
  • 1998

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Lynyrd Skynyrd (pronounced ) is an American rock band best known for popularizing the southern hard-rock genre during the 1970s. Originally formed in 1966 as the The Pretty Ones in Jacksonville, Florida, they then went through two name changes: The Noble Five and One Percent, before coming up with Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1969. The band rose to worldwide recognition on the basis of its driving live performances and signature tunes “Sweet Home Alabama” and “Free Bird”. At the peak of their success, three members died in an airplane crash in 1977, putting an abrupt end to the band’s most popular incarnation. The surviving band members re-formed in 1988 for a reunion tour with lead vocalist Johnny Van Zant, the younger brother of lead singer and founder Ronnie Van Zant. The re-formed... Read on...

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More songs by Lynyrd Skynyrd (See Charts): Down South Jukin’, Crossroads, Whiskey Rock-A-Roller, Floyd, I Ain'T The One, Comin' Home, Swamp Music, Was I Right Or Wrong, I Know A Little, and Gimme Three Steps.

Popular in Rock (See Charts): Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Beat It, Give In To Me, Wherever You Will Go, Stigmatized, Nothing'S Changed, Hotel California, Imagine, and Nothing Else Matters.


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