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Baggy Trousers

  • Ska
  • Pop
  • House
  • Space
  • Other
song from
  • 1980
  • 2012
  • 1981
  • 1979
  • 1992

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“Baggy Trousers” is a song by English ska/pop band Madness from their 1980 album Absolutely. It was written by lead singer Suggs, and reminisces on school days. Mike Barson and Chris Foreman also received writing credits (though Barson was credited in error, the correct McPherson/Foreman credit being used for subsequent releases). The band first began performing the song at live shows in April 1980. It was released as a single on September 5, 1980 and spent 20 weeks in UK charts, reaching a high of #3. It was the 11th best-selling single of 1980 in the UK. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Oh what fun we had ... All I learnt at school ... Was how to bend not break the rules

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Popular in House (See Charts): Sinnerman (Felix Da Housecat'S Heavenly), Me Against The Music, One More Time, Lady (Hear Me Tonight), Around The World, Stereo Love, Prayer In C, Played-A-Live, Sloth, and Raining Again (Steve Angello Remix).


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