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Marvin Gaye

Come Get To This

  • Soul
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  • Other
  • Funk
  • Pop
song from
  • 1973
  • 2011
  • 1974
  • 2012
  • 1959

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“Come Get to This” is a 1973 hit for American soul singer Marvin Gaye, released on the Tamla (Motown) label. The song, released a few months after his seminal anthem of seduction, “Let’s Get It On”, was built among a fast-paced doo-wop-like recording. This record was one of few recordings Gaye began recording when he cut the “What’s Going On” single in 1970. The song discusses the return of an old flame to the singer’s arms. The song topped out at the Billboard Pop Singles Chart at #21 and peaked at #3 on Billboard’s soul singles charts. During Gaye’s concerts afterwards, the singer performed a much slower blues-oriented version of the song setting it up as the build-up of “Let’s Get It On”. Gaye’s live version of the song was actually initiated by... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Ah, I've been waiting

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More songs by Marvin Gaye (See Charts): Your Precious Love, Take This Heart Of Mine, This Love Starved Heart Of Mine (It'S Killing Me), Little Darling (I Need You), You'Re A Wonderful One, Distant Lover, Trouble Man, Ain'T That Peculiar, How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You), and The Star-Spangled Banner.

Popular in Soul (See Charts): On The Line, Music And Me, Fall Again, I'Ll Be There, It'S A Man'S Man'S World, Stand By Me, I Got You (I Feel Good), (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay, Upside Down, and Isn'T She Lovely.


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