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King Nothing

  • Metal
  • Rock
  • Space
  • Hard Rock
  • Bass
song from
  • 1996
  • 1997
  • 1982
  • 1988
  • 1985

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“King Nothing” is a song by Metallica in their 1996 album Load. The song King Nothing, written by James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, and Kirk Hammett, circles around the theme of “be careful what you wish for.“ The song starts on a bass riff which develops into the main riff of the song. A single of “King Nothing” was released in the United States. It included a live version of the song “Ain’t My Bitch”, which is also on the album Load. A music video also accompanied the song. The guitars and bass are both tuned to Eb. At the end of the song, the words “Off to never-never land” can be heard. This is a nod to one of Metallica’s most famous songs, “Enter Sandman”, which also features these words. The song also features a similar structure. “King Nothing” was... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Where's your crown, King Nothing ... And you point your finger ... And you break your crown

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More songs by Metallica (See Charts): Frantic, Wherever I May Roam, The House Jack Built, My Apocalypse, The Call Of Ktulu, That Was Just Your Life, The End Of The Line, The Unnamed Feeling, The Memory Remains, and Harvester Of Sorrow.

Popular in Metal (See Charts): Master Of Puppets, One, Enter Sandman, Paranoid, Ghost Love Score, Emerald Sword, Wisdom Of The Kings, Phantom Of The Opera, Lateralus, and Stargazer.


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