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Michael Jackson


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“Smile” is a song based on an instrumental theme used in the soundtrack for the 1936 Charlie Chaplin movie Modern Times. Chaplin composed the music, while John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons added the lyrics and title in 1954. In the lyrics, the singer is telling the listener to cheer up and that there is always a bright tomorrow, just as long as they smile. “Smile” has become a popular standard since its original use in Chaplin’s film. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ You'll find that life is still worthwhile ... Smile, though your heart is aching ... That's the time you must keep on trying

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Most votes come from Norway, Greece, Romania, United Kingdom, Colombia, United States, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, and Vietnam.


More songs by Michael Jackson (See Charts): Love Never Felt So Good, The Way You Love Me, Working Day And Night, Wanna Be Starting Something, You Are There, Maybe Tomorrow, Rockin Robin, Fly Away, Just A Little Bit Of You, and Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground).

Popular in Pop (See Charts): Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Man In The Mirror, The Earth Song, Dirty Diana, Speechless, Stranger In Moscow, Another Part Of Me, Heal The World, and Black Or White.


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